Email re: town to reinstall main ice surface

Jan. 07, 2025

Good Evening Didsbury Rec Hockey Parents, 
As I am sure you have heard by now, Didsbury Arena has voted to get a temporary unit put in to get the Didsbury MAIN ice back up and running. 
They are committing to having it ready for February 1st. We just wanted to send out a communication to explain what that means for us and how that will affect the remainder of our season. 
We will once again be able to host our home tournament on February 28-March 2nd. We know this is a huge event that all of our families and kids are excited for, so we are happy we will be able to move forward with it. Our tournament committee has been notified and they will be hitting the ground running getting all of that put together.  
Games and Practices:
We have sent the revised schedules out to the managers to update RAMP as soon as possible, so please make sure you are refreshing your RAMP to reflect the changes as the managers get them entered.  We will be moving our Monday night practices in Torrington back to Tuesday evenings in Didsbury however we will be keeping the majority of our weekend ice times in Torrington.  We wanted this change to affect our teams and the other towns as little as possible. The towns we booked games with have already put in so much effort to reschedule our games and shuffle their already packed schedules, we did not want to cause any more work or confusion for the other towns.
We understand the disappointment that may come from the decision to keep our weekend ice times with Torrington, however we did this for a few reasons: 
1. To avoid inconveniencing other communities with yet more schedule changes. 
2. Keep our integrity with the other arenas who graciously dropped everything to help us in our time of need, and opened their home ice to us. 
3. Try to keep things as simple and less chaotic as possible for the other towns we have games with, our families who have had to adjust their home schedules, board members who put in countless hours rebuilding our season and our managers who have had to restructure their practices, games and RAMP schedules. 
4. As a non profit organization, holding our financial commitments we made with other towns for ice is very important. Changes such as these can be very costly to organizations like ours, and we need to take that into consideration and continue to be fiscally responsible.
Thank you sincerely from Didsbury Rec Hockey, to all of you parents for your Patience and understanding in all of this. It is truly appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are trying to make these transitions as smooth and clear as possible, however I know we have thrown a lot at you guys in a short time. We are here to help or answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you, 
Jennifer Giles 
President - Didsbury Rec Hockey
Phone: 403-615-3995  






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