Tiers and Pricing

2024/2025 Didsbury Defenders Tournament


U8 Teams (4 - 7) 

Room for 2 Teams



U8 Teams (8-10) 

Room for 2 Teams



U15 Teams (11-14) 

Room for 3 Teams



U18 Teams (15-18 years old) 

Room for 2 Teams



Regular Season

There are 4 age bands for the upcoming season.  Didsbury Rec Hockey reserves the right to move participants up or down a level as required.

*This information is for 2024/2025 season

U8 player (2024/2025 Didsbury Rec Hockey 4 - 7) 


Fees for the 4 - 7 year old player group are $250 for the 2024/2025 season.  This includes the Hockey Alberta Player insurance fee of $36.90 and non-refundable administration fee of $50.

A volunteer deposit of $100 will be required, and this will be waived/refunded upon completion of meeting the volunteer requirements for the season.


U11 player (2024/2025 Didsbury Rec Hockey 8-10) Full - Waitlist only at this time


Fees for the 8 - 10 year old player group are $385 for the 2024/2025 season.  This includes the Hockey Alberta Player insurance fee of $36.90, a pair of game socks and non-refundable administration fee of $50.

A volunteer deposit of $200 will be required, and this will be waived/refunded upon completion of meeting the volunteer requirements for the season.


U15 player (2024/2025 Didsbury Rec Hockey 11-14) Full - Waitlist only at this time


Fees for the 11 - 14 year old player group are $435 for the 2024/2025 season.  This includes the Hockey Alberta Player insurance fee of $36.90, a pair of game socks and non-refundable administration fee of $50.

A volunteer deposit of $200 will be required, and this will be waived/refunded upon completion of meeting the volunteer requirements for the season.


U18 player (2024/2025 Didsbury Rec Hockey 15-18) Full - Waitlist only at this time


 Fees for the 15 - 18 year old player group are $435 for the 2024/2025 season.  This includes the Hockey Alberta Player insurance fee of $36.90, a pair of game socks and non-refundable administration fee of $50.

A volunteer deposit of $200 will be required, and this will be waived/refunded upon completion of meeting the volunteer requirements for the season. 

For players over the age of 18, please reach out to didsburyrechockeyregistrar@gmail.com to check eligibility.

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